Map created by Marko Stanic, MA Candidate International Affairs at The New School - Milano School of International Affairs. Spring 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina's 2013 Census (published in 2016) is the first census to be conducted in the country since the end the war ended in December 1995. The report paints an entirely new demographic and ethnic landscape of the country. This project aims to visualize the change in Bosnia's ethnic make up, using the 2013 census and the 1991 census (the last census to be conducted prior to the conflict.)
The default map which you see (based on the 2013 census data) depicts Bosnia's ethnic majorities on the municipality level. Use the options below to compare the ethnic diversity and distribution to the previous census. The landmine situation provides further insight into the dynamics of ethnic warfare.
Notice the prevelance of deeper colors (80%+ majority) on the 2013 map, compared to a greater presence of lighter colors (50-60% majority) in 1991.
Official 2013 Census Data
Official 1991 Census Data
2013 Municipality Boundries Data: Codrina Ilie
1991 Municipality Boundries Data: Andy Beger
Landmine situation: BiH Mine Action Center